Завдання   1.


1.Do  ( read ) exercisers    1, 2   on pages   123-125 ( write  down  the words in blue and translate them)
2.  Vocabulary practice
Match the words below with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1) affect
a) швидкість і напрямок вітру
2) whereas
b) прогноз
3) conditions
c) помірний
4) the amount of sunshine and rainfall
d) впливати
5) wind speed and direction
e) умови
6) meteorologist
f) відміна
7) forecast
g) особливо
8) temperate
h) тоді як
9) variation
i) метеоролог
10) inland
j) температура
11) particularly
k) кількість сонячного світла й опадів
12) temperature
l) вологість
13) moisture
m) всередині країни

3. Exercise 3 on page 125 ( write)
4.Use English ( for revision )
 Use of English I. Open the brackets. 1. If you _____________ (to read) this article, you _____________ (to learn) some new facts about the USA.
2. I _____________ (to join) your discussion if/when I _____________ (to look) through the newspapers.
3. We _____________ (to have) the Internet Conference unless we (to buy) a webcam.
 4. She _____________ (to feel) better if she _____________ (not to know) the news.
5. I _____________ (to surf) the Internet unless I _____________ (to be) busy.
6. When the news report _____________ (to be) ready I _____________ (to comment) on it.
7. I _____________ (to write) about this event if my friend (not to do) it.
8. If you _____________ (to rely) only on the Internet you _____________ (to love) much.
9. Watch the news on TV unless I _____________ (to come).

10. When she _____________ (to come) I _____________ (to break) the news.


Завдання 2


The Weather Forecast
1.Do exercise  1,2  on  page 126 ( in to your copybooks)
2. READ to Weather Action`s seven day forecast.
Though there were some fine sunny days last week in many places there was also frost overnight with sleet and snow in parts of northern Britain. Our long-range forecast for this month is that it will be very windy and quite cold at times and it will include wintry spells with more sleet and snow.
      As far as next week`s outlook is concerned, southern parts of  England and Wales will be cloudy with drizzle in places while the north should be dry, bright and sunny. Temperatures will be above average but light east to north-easterly winds could make North Sea coasts feel rather chilly. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have dry conditions and some sunny spells after early fog clears. Winds will be generally light. However, fresh southerly winds will bring more cloud into the west later.
3) Етап  перевірки  розуміння тексту. 
READ to the recording and match the following statements  “ true “ or “ false “ :
·      There were some fine frosty days last week.
·       There was also frost with sleet and snow in parts of northern Britain.
·       Our  forecast for this month is that it will be very windy and quite cold at times.
·       Southern parts of England and Wales will be warm and sunny.
·       Temperatures will be below average in Wales.
·       Scotland will have dry conditions.
3. Make sentences  
 There are three ways of talking about the weather.


It often rains.
There is often rain.
It is often rainy (or wet).

sunny, hot, snows, snow, wind, windy, cold, cool, cloud, cloudy, warm, foggy, fog.


Завдання 3

1. Learn  next rules . Вчимо правила.

Артиклі з географічними назвами  
З артиклем The
Без артикля
світу, континенти, регіони, країни, області, міста
the Middle East, the USA,    the City
Europe, Central Asia, Finland, Denver
моря, ріки, озера, водоспади, канали
the Pacific (Ocean), the
Caspian (Sea), the Dnipro, Suez Canal
АЛЕ: Lake Erie, Lake Baikal
АЛЕ: Hudson Bay
ланцюги, острови, пустині
the Alps, the Isle of Man, the Kalahari (desert)
АЛЕ: Mont Blanc, Easter Island (окремі гори та острови)
площі, райони, парки, мости, станції, аеропорти
the High Street, the
Drive, the Bronx
Sixty-Sixth street,
Manhattan, Times Square, Hyde Park, London Bridge
театри, кінотеатри, церкви, готелі, музеї, замки, бібліотеки, ресторани,
the University
of Cambridge, the Phoenix (theatre) the Hilton, the Library
of Congress
АЛЕ: Cambridge University, Sadler’s Wells (theatre), Buckingham Palace

Артиклі з іншими назвами
З артиклем The
Без артикля
установи, партії організації
the Senate, the UN, the
police, the Labour Party,
the Boy Scouts
parliament, congress

події і період
the French Revolution.
Stone Age

Roman Britain,
Post-War Germany

фільми, документи
the Bible, the Odyssey,
the Graduate,
the Great Charter


журнали, телебачення
the Times, the Economist
(the press, the radio, the television)

Pradva, Korrespondent,
Life, Time

the Titanic, the Orient

музичні гурти
the Philadelphia Orchestra,
the Beatles

Duran Duran.
Depeche Mode

інструменти і танці
to play the piano/the
violin/the guitar,
to dance the tango

This is the 1979 recording
with Ellison on bass

Артиклі з географічними назвами
Вживання артиклів з ​​географічними назвами є лише частиною теми «Артиклі з іменами власними». З географічними назвами ми використовуємо небудь певний артикль, або відсутність артикля як такого. Щоб чітко розібратися, в яких варіантах слід ставити артикль в англійській мові, а в яких ні, необхідно розділити всі випадки на дві великі групи і на прикладах побачити, як чинити в тій чи іншій ситуації. Смію зауважити, що приклади вам доведеться запам’ятовувати, щоб у потрібний момент грамотно вжити те чи інше слово. Один маленький нюанс — на географічних картах назви прийнято давати без артиклів.

Визначений артикль  THE  вживається з географічними назвами, які позначають:
1.     Сторони світу (cardinal points):
1.     the North (Північ)
2.     the South (Південь)
3.     the East (Схід)
4.     the West (Захід)
Але врахуйте, що якщо ви позначаєте напрямок, визначений артикль c географічною назвою не потрібен.
                      Полюса, півкулі (poles, hemispheres):
0.     the North Pole (Північний полюс)
1.     the South Pole (Південний полюс)
2.     the Western Hemisphere (Західну півкулю)
3.     the Eastern Hemisphere (східне півкуля)
4.     the Arctic (Арктика)
5.     the Antarctic (Антарктика)
                      Регіони (regions):
0.     the Far East (Далекий Схід)
1.     the north of Canada (північ Канади)
2.     the Middle East (Близький Схід)
3.     the Highlands (північний захід Шотландії)
4.     the south of England (південь Англії)
5.     the Crimea (Крим)
6.     the Caucasus (Кавказ)

                      Країни, назви яких являють собою іменники у множині (countries):
0.     the Philippines (Філіппіни)
1.     the Netherlands (Нідерланди)
2.     the United States of America (США)
3.     the Baltic States (Прибалтика)

                      Країни, в назві яких присутні слова – kingdom (королевство), republic (республика), union (союз), federation (федерация):
0.     the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Обєднане Королівство Великобританії і Північної Ірландії)
1.     the Kingdom of Denmark (Королівство Данії)
2.     the United Arab Emirates (Обєднані Арабські Емірати)
3.     the Republic of Cuba (Республіка Куба)
4.     the German Federal Republic (Німецька федеративна республіка)
5.     the Russian Federation (Російська Федерація)
6.     the Czech Republic (Чеська Республіка)
7.     the People’s Republic of China (Китайська Народна Республіка)

                      Океани (oceans), протоки (straits), моря (seas), річки (rivers), канали (canals / channels), водоспади (waterfalls), течії (currents):
0.     the Atlantic Ocean (Атлантичний океан)
1.     the Pacific Ocean (Тихий океан)
2.     the Indian Ocean (Індійський океан)
3.     the Black Sea (Чорне море)
4.     the Dead Sea (Мертве море)
5.     the Red Sea (Червоне море)
6.     the Thames (Темза)
7.     the Volga (Волга)
8.     the Don (Дон)
9.     the Suez Canal (Суецький канал)
10. the Victoria Fall (водоспад Вікторія)
11. the Niagara Fall (Ніагарський водоспад)
12. the Strait of Magellan (Магелланова протока)
13. the Bosporus (протоку Босфор)
14. the Bering Strait (Берингову протоку)
15. the English Channel (Ла-Манш)
16. the Panama Canal (Панамський канал)
17. the Strait of Dover (Дуврська протока / Па-де-Кале)
18. the Strait of Gibraltar (Гібралтарську протоку)
19. the Amazon (Амазонка)
20. the Nile (Ніл)
21. the Gulf Stream (Перебіг Гольфстрім)
22. the Sea of Japan (Японське море)

                      Півострова (peninsulas), миси (capes):
0.     the Indochinese Peninsula (півострів Індокитай)
1.     the Balkan Peninsula (Балканський півострів)
2.     the Iberian Peninsula (Піренейський півострів)
3.     the Cape of Good Hope (Мис Доброї Надії)

Cape Horn (мис Горн)
Cape Chelyuskin (мис Челюскін)

                      Групи озер (groups of lakes):
0.     the Great Lakes (Великі озера)
1.     the Seliger (Селігер)
2.     the Great Salt Lake (Велике солоне озеро)

Але якщо поряд з назвою озера використовується слово lake визначений артикль з географічною назвою тут не потрібен:
3.     Lake Baikal (Озеро Байкал)
4.     Lake Ontario (Озеро Онтаріо)
5.     Lake Geneva (Женевське озеро)

                      Групи островів (groups of islands):
0.     the Virgin Islands (Віргінські острови)
1.     the Canaries (Канари)
2.     the British Isles (Британські острови)
3.     the Bahamas (Багами)
4.     the Azores (Азорські острови)
5.     the Falkland Islands (Фолклендські острови)

                      Гірські масиви (chains of mountains), пагорби (hills):
0.     the Black Hills (Чорні пагорби)
1.     the Apennines (Апенніни)
2.     the Rocky Mountains (Скелясті гори)
3.     the Andes (Анди)
4.     the Urals (Уральські гори)
5.     the Alps (Альпи)
6.     the Himalayas (Гімалаї)

Але:Capitol Hill (Капітолійський Пагорб)

                      Рівнини (plains), долини (valleys), пустелі (deserts):
0.     the Great Plains (плато Великі рівнини)
1.     the Mississippi Valley (долина Міссісіпі)
2.     the Sahara Desert (пустеля Сахара)
3.     the Kara-Kum (пустеля Каракуми)
4.     the Kalahari Desert (Калахарі)
5.     the Arabian Desert (Аравійська пустеля)

Death Valley (Долина смерті)
Silicon Valley (Кремнієва долина)

                      Затоки (gulfs / bays). Визначений артикль вживається в конструкції з прийменником of. Якщо її немає, артикль не потрібен:
0.     the Gulf of Mexico (Мексиканська затока)
1.     the Gulf of Finland (Фінську затоку)
2.     the Gulf of Aden (Аденську затоку)
3.     the Bay of Bengal (Бенгальська затока)

Hudson Bay (Гудзонський затока)
San Francisco Bay (Затока Сан-Франциско)

Це лише частина географічних назв, які вживаються з означеним артиклем в англійській мові. А ось невеликий список цих же назв, які не вимагають наявності артикля. Без артикля вживаються:
1.     Назви континентів (continents):
1.     Europe (Європа)
2.     Africa (Африка)
3.     South America (Південна Америка)
4.     North America (Північна Америка)
5.     Australia (Австралія)
6.     Asia (Азія)

                      Країни, назви яких являють собою іменники в однині, міста (cities), села (villages), штати (states), провінції (provinces):
0.     Ukraine (Україна)
1.     France (Франція)
2.     Spain (Іспанія)
3.     California (Каліфорнія)
4.     Kiev (Київ)
5.     London (Лондон)
6.     Beijing (Пекін)
7.     Balabino (Балабине)
8.     Florida (Флоріда)
9.     Quebec (Квебек)

10. the Hague (Гаага)
11. the Vatican (Ватикан)
12. the Congo (Конго)

А також при використанні конструкції «the city of»:
13. the City of Moscow (місто Москва)
14. the City of Rome (місто Рим)

                      Назви окремих островів (islands), гір (mountains), вулканів (volcanoes):
0.     Greenland (Гренландія)
1.     Java (Ява)
2.     Cyprus (Кіпр)
3.     Madagascar (Мадагаскар)
4.     Jamaica (Ямайка)
5.     Vesuvius (Везувій)
6.     Mount Goverla (Говерла)
7.     Elbrus (Ельбрус)
8.     Kilimanjaro (Кіліманджаро)
9.     Volcano Etna (вулкан Етна)
10. Fujiyama (Фудзіяма)

Зверніть увагу на такий момент: якщо у географічної назви є індивідуалізують або описове визначення, то це назва буде вживатися з певним небудь невизначеним артиклем відповідно.
This is not the Kyiv I used to love. — Це не той Київ, який я колись любив.

There will always be an England for me. — Там завжди буде Англія для мене.

2. Read ex. 2  page 128-129. Читаємо впр.№2 ст.128-129
3. Do exercises . Виконуємо вправи.

1. Вставьте артикль the де необхiдно .
1. __ Andes                                         4. ___ Arctic Ocean
2. __ Baikal                                         5. ___ Caucasus
3.__ Crimea                                         6. ___ Oxford University
2. Вставьте артикль the где необхідно. 
1.      Great Britain, officially … United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on … British Isles, of … Western Europe.
2.      … British Isles consist of two large islands, … Great Britain and … Ireland, and about 6000 small islands.
3.      New York, the largest city in … USA, is situated at the mouth of ... Hudson river, sometimes called ... North river.
4.      ... Vesuvius destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 79.
5.      As ... Balkan Peninsula is very mountainous a lot of mineral deposits are found there.
6.      ... North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth, which is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.
7.      ... South Pole is situated on the continent of Antarctica.
8.      The national currency of ... Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar.
9.      We want to go to ... Crimea next summer.
10.  The flora of ... Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.
11.  The official language of ... Netherlands is Dutch.


Завдання 4 

1.Повторити правила вживання  артикля з географічними назвами.

The land of Great Britain

I. Look  ex. 1 on page 131.
II. Reading .   Read the entry from Paul’s travel diary and  say what natural attractions he hasn’t seen in Britain yet.
Paul’s Travel Diary
Look at the map of the British Isles. You can see them to the north-west of the mainland  of  Europe. Do you know what the two largest islands are called? Those are Great Britain and Ireland. Besides, there are over five hundred small islands.
 Altogether they make the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Britain, for short.  That’s where I have arrived recently.
As Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel, I had three options – to take a plane or cross it by ferry or by train through the channel tunnel. I chose the quickest and the most popular way of travelling and there I was – landing at Gatwick Airport, 43 kilometres south of London (as said in the leaflet I picked at the Information desk.)
 I could hardly believe my eyes: quite beautiful landscapes and 2,000 years of history were waiting for me to explore. I must admit that it is easier said than done as this island state is made up of four lands: England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
My first destination was England as it is the largest and most populous of the four. I have already bought the postcards of rather famous natural attractions such as the rivers Thames and Mersey, the south-eastern coast, sandy or muddy, with occasional chalk cliffs, the Pennines going down England almost like a backbone, and the Lake District, of course.
West of England is Wales. With a charm of its own, it is home of Mount Snowdon,  over 1,000m high, capital Cardiff, the leek, the daffodil, and the red dragon as the national symbol of the Welsh country. I’m so looking forward  to visiting Wales!
If I have a chance to go to the North of England, I’ll find myself in Scotland some day and enjoy the Highlands and the Lowlands, many beautiful rivers and lakes (called lochs), the legendary thistle and heather covering the mountainsides. Maybe, I will even be the one to discover the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster at last! Hooray!
 Last, but not least Northern Ireland. It is at its nearest point only 21 km from Scotland. It is separated from Great Britain by the Irish Sea. It has a border in the south and west with the Irish Republic. At its centre lies Lough Neagh, Britain’s largest freshwater lake. The whole island is known for its beautiful, green countryside, that is why it is sometimes called the Emerald Isle.
I can’t wait to see it all!
Populous  [ popjulə s ]- густонаселений
Recently [ ri:sntli ] - нещодавно
Backbone [ bækboun] -  спинний хребет
Heaher  [hi:ɚə]  - верес
Gatwick Airport – one of the airports serving London, which is used for international flights.
The Thames – the main river flowing through London, and England’s most important river, which flows into the North Sea.
The Mersey – an important  river in the north- west of England which flows into the Irish Sea.
The English  Channel – the piece of water between France and England.
The Pennines – a mountain range running down the centre from the north to central England.
The Highlands – mountainous area in the North of Scotland.
The Lowlands – the central and eastern lowlying part of Scotland.
The Loch Ness Monster, also Nessie – the name given to a very large animal, supposed to

III.  Writing. Do ex. 7 on page  130
IV.  Writing .   More  practice. Put in “the” or “-”.
1. They visited a village in ... Andes.
2. Have you ever seen ... Mount Fuji?
3. ... Azores are a group of islands in the Atlantic.
4. She went to ... United Kingdom to study English.
5. They drove round … Corsica.
6. ... Australia is a really enormous place.
7. What countries share a border with ... Norway?
8. ... Greece gets very, very hot in the summer.
9. ... Baffin Island is part of Canada.
10. I’ve never been to ... United States.
11. We went to ... Republic of Ireland and stayed in Dublin.
12. ... Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
13. She always loved skiing in … Alps.
14. He used to work in … India.
15. I often go on holiday to ... canary Islands.
16. Does … England have many big cities?


Завдання 5 

1.     Read the text.

Some More Facts about Britain

You probably know that the official or political name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. However, at the United Nations and the European Parliament it is usually known by a shorter name: The United Kingdom or the abbreviation the UK. We often call the country Britain. In addition,there is also a poetic name of the country Albion.
The geographical name of the country is the British Isles, because the country occupies the islands which are called the British Isles. For this reason,it has the only land borderline with Ireland and sea borderline with France.
As all the countries the UK has its symbol, the flag. It is called the Union Flag as well as the Union Jack. Why such a name you may ask me? Then you ought to know that in 1603, King James I of England (or Jack for short) united England and Scotland. Then in 1801 there was the union with Ireland.
Now the flag combines the elements of the three countries (England, Scotland
and Northern Ireland) united under one nation. Wales is not represented in
the flag because at the time the flag appeared in 1606, Wales was already
united with England.
Look at the Union Jack. It is a combination of three crosses of three patron
saints of the country: the red cross of Saint George for England on a
white background; the white diagonal cross of Saint Patrick of Ireland on a
white background.
As for the State Emblem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, it shows the union of its four parts.
There are emblems of each part of the UK: the emblem of England (three
lions on a red background), the emblem of Scotland (a red lion on a yellow
background), the emblem of Wales (Saint David and the Daffodil) and the
emblem of Northern Ireland (a yellow harp on a blue background).
The two emblems of the English lions symbolize the leading role of England
in this union. The shield is supported by two mythic animals: the English
Lion and the Scottish Unicorn. The emblem is headed with a crowned
lion, the symbol of power and might. In addition, below the emblem, there
are four floral symbols of the four parts of the country. Do you know them?
It’s the Red Rose for England, a wild plant called Thistle for Scotland, a
vegetable called the Leek for Wales and another wild plant called Shamrock
for Northern Ireland.
To finish with, I’d name the historic colours of the parts of Great Britain:
England – White; Scotland – Blue; Wales – Red; Northern Ireland – Green.
Sport teams of the nations wear these colours.

2. In the same text, find the answers to the following questions.

1. What is the poetic name of Great Britain?
2. What is the Union Jack?
3. How can you explain this name?
4. What do the crosses and colours on the flag mean?
5. What does the state Emblem of the UK show?
6. What do the lions on the Emblem symbolize?
7. What can you say about every floral symbol of the state emblem?
8. Where are the historic colours of every part of Great Britain?

3. Remember about  linking words. What are these?  Do next task according  the text   «Some More Facts about Britain»
(пригадайте правила про   з’єднувальні слова і виконайте наступне завдання  згідно до тексту  завдання 1.)

Grammer Lab   Linking Words and Phrase 
If you want to connect two pieces of information in speaking and writing, use linking words and phrases. 
Linking words
Висловлюємо думку
I think… Я думаю
I consider… – Я вважаю
In my opinion,…На мою  думку
I don’t agree to… – Я не погоджуюсь з…
I’m convinced that… – Я переконаний, що…
Показуємо послідовність
First/firstly, second/secondly, third/thirdly… – По-перше/по-друге/по-третє
Finally… – Зрештою (Наостанок)…
Also… – Також
Говоримо про результат
So… – Тому (Отож)…
As a result… – В результаті…
Therefore… – Таким чином…
Hence… – Отже…
Підсилюємо, виділяємо думку
Undoubtedly… – Безсумнівно…
Indeed… – Насправді…
Generally… – Загалом кажучи, …
In fact… – По суті
Particularly… – Особливо
Додаємо аргументи
Besides… – Крім цього, …
In addition… – На додачу
Furthermore… – Більше того
And… – І
As well as… – А також
Also/too… – Також
Наводимо приклад
For example,… Наприклад, …
For instance,… Наприклад, …
Namely,… – А саме…
Пояснюємо причину
Because… – Тому що
Because of… Через (щось)…
As… – Оскільки…
Порівнюємо або пропонуємо іншу точку зору
On the one hand,…/On the other hand… З одного боку/з іншого
Although… – Хоча
In spite of…Незважаючи на…
In contrast… – На противагу…
In general,… – Загалом
As a rule,… Як правило, …
In most cases… – У більшості випадків
Підводимо підсумок
In conclusion… – Як підсумок
To sum up… Щоб підсумувати

Categorize the linking words and phrases according to the functions they perform and illustrate them with your own examples.

Example : We often call the country Britain. In addition, there is also a…

Giving extra

a difference

a cause

a result

In addition,

Extra  information – додаткова інформація
Ordering  events –   впорядкування (хронологія)  подій
Difference –   різниця,  відмінність
a cause -  причина
a result -  результат
Якщо ви зайдете за цим посиланням, вам відкриються додаткові матеріали до теми Великобританія 


Завдання №6 


1.  Look at map and say where the following places are situated:

• Highlands,
• Cambridge,
• Plymouth,
• Newcastle,
• Snowdon,
• the clyde,
• Lake District,
• Cheviot Hills,
• Bath,
• Yorkshire Moors,
• Brighton.

2. Vocabulary practice

DO ex. 1, p. 131.

3. Reading

DO ex. 2(в), p. 131.-132

4.  Writing

Fill in    a, an or  the    where necessary.
(1) ... United Kingdom of (2) ... Great Britain and (3) ... Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which is situated on (4) . British Isles. The UK is (5) ... island state. The main islands are separated by (6) ... Irish Sea. The UK is separated from the Continent by (7) ... English Channel and (8) ... Strait of Dover. It is washed by (9) ... Atlantic Ocean in the north and (10) ... North Sea in the east. The capital of the UK is (11) ... London. (12) ... English is the official language.
There are (13) ... lot of rivers in (14) ... Great Britain. The most important river is (15) ... Thames. (16) ... Ben Nevis in (17) ... Scotland is the highest mountain. There is (18) ... saying that Britain doesn’t have (19) ... climate, it only has (20) ... weather.

Завдання  №  7

Cities of the United Kingdom

1. Warm-up

Put True or False.
1. Great Britain is divided into countries.
2. The kilt is Scotland’s national costume.
3. Loch is the Welsh word for lake.
4. Snowdon is a high mountain in Wales.
5. Cardiff is the capital of Scotland.
6. Northern Ireland is also called Ulster.
7. The dragon is the symbol of Northern Ireland.
8. Rugby is a popular sport in Wales.
9. Moors are areas of wild, open countryside.
10. Oxford is situated on the River Tames.
11. Saint George is the patron of Wales.
12. There are three crosses on the British flag.
13. The north of Scotland is famous for its developed industry.
14. The capital of Northern Ireland is Dublin.

15. The tartan is a checked cloth.

2.Read the text

Bristol is not a very large port. It is smaller than Plymouth, Liverpool, Portsmouth and Dover, but it is very beautiful.
The port of Bristol became rich in the nineteenth century by importing sugar, rum and tobacco and also by exporting slaves. It is still a rich city and is now the centre of the aviation industry. Rolls Royce makes airplane engines just outside Bristol.
Bristol is divided into two parts. One of them is the port on the Avon with narrow streets, old churches and half wooden houses. It has a wooden eighteenth century theatre untouched since those days.
This was the port from which many ships sailed in Elizabeth’s reign. The 18th century stone houses climb up the hills to the second part of Bristol. This part is more modern and it has many fine houses built of pink stone and many wonderful monuments and churches. Bristol has a collage named Collage Green, the University, the art gallery and some museums. The University building has a very high tower from the top of which you can see Collage Green, many churches and Park Street.

3. Put    True or False.

1. Bristol is a new city.
2. Bristol is the centre of the aviation industry.
3. Bristol is situated on the river Thames.
4. There are no churches in this city.
5. In the modern part of Bristol houses are built of pink stone.
6. You can find the art gallery in Bristol.

4. Complete the sentences.
1. The port of Bristol became rich ... .
2. Just outside Bristol Rolls Royce makes ... .
3. Bristol is divided into ... .
4. Bristol has a wooden ... .
5. The second part of Bristol has many wonderful ... .
6. The University building has a ... .

5. Let's   play!  Пограймося!  Вікторина для вас. Натисни на посилання😜 перейди і пограй!


Завдання №8


1.Look exercise  1 on page 134.

The national flower of England is the rose. No wonder so many people voted it a national icon.
It all started during the time of the Wars of the Roses — civil wars (1455-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster (whose emblem was a red rose) and the royal house of York (whose emblem was a white rose).
At the end of the war the two roses were combined in the Tudor rose. The idea belonged to Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch and the father of Henry VIII. Henry was a Lancastrian, but he fell in love with Elisabeth of York, married her — and united the two houses. Looking for a symbol of this union, he chose a red rose with a white rose in it. During the Tudor period, hundreds of inns were named the Rose — to show loyalty to the royal family. There are still many pubs and hotels all over the country named after this flower.
In 1871, the newly formed Rugby Football Union selected an England team to play the first ever international match against Scotland. The committee chose a red rose as the team’s badge. Although England lost the match, held in Edinburgh, the country’s rugby teams have worn roses ever since.

4.Complete the sentences.

1. The symbols of Wales are ... , ... and ... .
2. St. David is a patron saint of ... .
3. The national musical instrument of the Scots is the ... .
4. The national flower of the Scots is the ... .
5. Scotsmen wear . .
6. St. Patrick is the patron saint of ... .
7. ... is the national flower of England.


Завдання 9 

1.Look  video about LONDON

2. Read the dialogue “Talking about People in Britain” in pairs. Say what the British society is like.
Talking about People in Britain It’s a Friday afternoon. Paul, who is taking a guided tour of Greater London, is bombarding the guide with questions about people in Britain.

Guide:  Now, boys and girls, let’s have a broad picture of ordinary people living in Britain today.
 Paul:  What is Britain’s population at present?
 Guide: About 58 million people, the 17th largest population in the world. The great majority live in England, Scotland has just over 5 million people, Wales 2,9 million and Northern Ireland about 1,6 million. However, they are all British.
 Paul:  Do they mostly live in cities or in the country?
 Guide:  Most people are concentrated in towns and cities, although there has been a trend, especially in the capital London, for people to move away from city centres into the suburbs.
 Paul:  No wonder, they are so overcrowded. Life is too busy there even for young people, let alone the elderly.
 Guide:  Right, especially nowadays when the number of retired people is in- creasing.
 Paul:  Where do most people work before they retire?
Guide:  More and more people have jobs in service industries, such as banking, medical and educational services, transport and communication.
 Paul:  What other changes are happening in the British society?
Guide:  It is becoming more and more multicultural. Historically, people in the four lands of Britain came from many cultures: the ancient Celtic and Germanic peoples, the Romans, the Normans, the Vikings, and others. Besides, for centuries people from overseas have settled in Britain, looking for better opportunities.
Paul:  What are the largest international communities, I wonder?
Guide: Those from India, Pakistan and other Asian countries. There are also immigrants from Australia, China, Greece, South Africa, wherever. They all enjoy equal democratic rights.
 Paul: I have recently read about the Notting Hill Carnival which is a co- lourful celebration of the black community in London. Am I right to believe so?
 Guide: Absolutely! This large international event takes place in the West of London every August. Tens of thousands of people get together in the streets to enjoy the colourful costumes, live music and dancing.
Paul: Wow!

3. Do  ex. 2 ,3, 5 on pages 135- 136


Завдання 10

Grammar Lesson for you

Grammar rules  and a little practice for you.    Граматичні правила і трішки практики 
( заходимо по ссилочкам)

Неозначені займенники (The Indefinite Pronouns)
1. Неозначені займенники поділяються на прості і складні. Простими неозначеними займенниками є: all, each, some, any, another, other, much, many, little, few, both, one.
2. Складні неозначені займенники утворюються від простих займенників some, any, no, every додаванням до них -body, -one, -thing (somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody, someone, anyone, everyone, something, anything, nothing, everything).
3. Some і похідні від нього з'айменники вживаються у стверджувальних реченнях, any і його похідні вживаються у питальних і заперечних реченнях.
some — якийсь, дехто
somebody / someone — хтось
something — щось
somewhere — десь, кудись
any — який-небудь, якийсь
anybody / anyone — хтось, хто-небудь
anything — щось
anywhere — де-небудь, куди-небудь
no — ніякий
nobody / no one — ніхто
nothing — ніщо, нічого
nowhere — ніде, нікуди
every — кожний
everybody / everyone — кожний, усі
everything — усе
everywhere — всюди, скрізь
4. Займенник some перед обчислюваними іменниками у множині означає кілька, деякі, одні, інші:
We have some English books. — У нас є кілька книжок англійською мовою.
Не asked some questions. — Він поставив кілька запитань.
5. Перед обчислюваними іменниками в однині some означає якийсь, який-небудь:
І read it in some book. — Я прочитав це в якійсь книжці.
6. Перед необчислюваними іменниками some означає деяка кількість і українською мовою не перекладається:
Не bought some butter. — Він купив масла.

Стверджувальні речення
Питальні речення
Заперечні речення
There are some books there. — Там є книжки.
Are there any books there? — Там є книжки?
There aren't any books there. / There are no books there. — Там немає книжок.
There is someone in the room. — У кімнаті є хтось.
Is there anyone in the room? — Є хтось у кімнаті?
There isn't anyone in the room. / There is no one in the room. — У кімнаті нікого немає.
She gave me something to read. — Вона дала мені щось почитати.
Did she give me anything to read? — Вона давала мені щось почитати?
She didn't give me anything to read. / She gave me nothing to read. — Вона нічого не дала мені почитати.
7. Займенники some, somebody, something вживаються у спеціальних та загальних запитаннях, що виражають пропозицію або прохання:
Would you like some tea? — Ти хочеш чаю?
8. Займенники any, anybody, anyone, anything вживаються у стверджувальних реченнях у значенні усякий.
Anybody can do it. — Усякий може це зробити.
9. Після займенників somebody, anybody, something, anything, nobody прийменник of не вживається. Замість цього використовується some of, any of, none of.
Some of our students played football last week. — Деякі з наших студентів грали у футбол минулого тижня.
Have you got any of his letters? — Ви отримали які-небудь з його листів?
None of them knew about it. — Ніхто з них не знав про це.

Do ex. 3,4 on page 138-139

Завдання 11 

Talking about British Traditions

1. Look about Royal   Family

2. Read the text.

Paul: Well, Helen, time flies, and my two-week trip to Britain is coming to an end.
 Helen: Yeah, parting is such sweet sorrow, isn’t it? Now you know from your life experience that the United Kingdom is, above all, a nation where tradition has shaped many aspects of their daily lives: from their customs and celebrations to the food they eat, sporting events and children’s games.
 Paul:  Exactly. During my stay here I came to love Britain’s natural wonders, British people, even weather in the British Isles!
 Helen: Let’s take the tradition of keeping national parks, for example. What is your attitude to it?
 Paul: I find it extremely important. I have found out that there are eight national parks in England and three in Wales. These are the well- known landscapes of outstanding natural beauty protected by law. The first national park was established in northern England over 50 years ago. Scotland’s first National Park – Loch Lomond – opened recently.
 Helen: And what is the largest of the English National Parks?
 Paul: The Lake District, if I’m not mistaken. The guide said, it attracts more than 12 million visitors every year who “wander lonely as a cloud”, as William Wordsworth put it, inspired by its scenery.
 Helen: You have heard of the so-called Highland Games, haven’t you?
Paul: Sure. These Scottish games have been popular since the days of Queen Victoria in the 19th century. Today, they include Highland dancing, playing the bagpipes, and various athletic events such as throwing the hammer.
 Helen: What’s going to happen to them in the future?
Paul: I believe they will live far into the 21st century.
 Helen: And what do you say to tea dancing?
 Paul: It is an old entertainment ritual which is enjoying more and more popularity. People visit tea gardens to take a walk, dance, listen to music, watch fireworks and enjoy a cup of tea.
Helen: Right you are. And do you happen to know the most widely observed traditional meal of the year?
Paul: Christmas dinner, of course, with roast turkey as its centrepiece.
Helen: I know, I know. It is eaten in the early afternoon of Christmas day, accompanied with bread sauce, sausages rolled in bacon, roast chest- nuts, carrots and peas. The main course is followed by Christmas pudding which is made from dried fruit.
Paul: It adds up to the enjoyment, doesn’t it? Helen: I am absolutely positive that tradition is at the heart of modern Britain.

Wordsworth, William (1770-1850) – an English romantic poet whose poems are mainly about the beauty of nature and often describe the country- side of the Lake District in north-west England where he went to live.

The Lake District – an area in north-west Eng- land where thre are a number of lakes in beauti- ful mountain scenery which attract many tour- ist. It includes England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike.
Loch Lomond – a lake in north west Scotland near Glasgow, popular with tourists; Scotland’s first National Park

3.Do ex. 2 on page 137-138


Завдання 12

1. Read the text and do the tasks.

The Welsh are a nation and they are conscious of it. However similar they may be in appearance, as soon as they begin to speak the difference is clear. The Welsh are quick and impetuous in speech. They are highly-gifted in the art of self-expression in words, they speak fluently and confidently. They are not afraid of being poetic in speech, of using bright and pictorial descriptions of men and events in ordinary conversation.
The Welsh like listening to good speaking and they are critical as an audience.
They are a nation of singers. Wherever they meet, they sing. There is no need to “arrange” singing, it will happen spontaneously and it will be good. This custom dates back to a period long before any written music was available to the people. You will not travel far in Wales without finding a choir. Even in small villages men and women gather together to practice singing and then a public performance of the works they have learnt. Sometimes members of smaller choirs unite to form one big choir and to give a series of festival performances of choral works. only rare these choirs have a professional conductor. Each village or town choir can find a local musician capable of conducting it.
The standard of singing is high and the love of good music is widespread.
The Welsh are especially proud of their language. When you travel you can see road signs in Welsh all over Wales.
Most Welshmen speak both Welsh and English, and there is literature in two languages. Welsh literature has an ancient history and has made its contribution to the legends of King Arthur in Britain. Prose, romance and poetry are its chief glory. Novels and short stories in Welsh, Welsh periodicals, books on research and history, books on poetry — these all are being produced at an ever increasing rate. The love of reading is widespread in Wales.

True or False.
1. We can differentiate the Welsh from the English by appearance.
2. The Welsh are proud of their nation.
3. Their speech is calm and slow.
4. The Welshmen’s speech is extremely expressive and poetic.
5. They often use pictorial descriptions in ordinary speech.
6. The Welsh enjoy listening to a good speech.
7. They are not critical.
8. They enjoy singing.
9. Most Welshmen speak Welsh and English.
10. The literature is published only in Welsh.

Answer the questions.

1. Do the Welsh differ much in appearance from their neighbours in Britain?
2. Are the Welsh proud of their nation?
3. What can the Welsh be told by from the English?
4. What is their speech like?
5. What is special of their speech?
6. Do the Welsh like to listen to good speaking?
7. Are they critical as an audience?
8. What is their attitude to the language?
9. Do they like singing?
10. What is the contribution of Welsh literature to the national culture?

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Love Ukraine 

1. Read ex 4 on pages 141-142

2.Do ex.5 on page  142


Geographical position of Ukraine

Fact File

 Area: 603,700 sq.km;
  Mountains: the Carpathian (the highest peak is Hoverla (2061); 
 Seas: the Black Sea (the deepest point – 2,210m) and the Sea of Azov.
  Rivers: the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Southern Buh, the Danube; 
 Lakes: the Shatski Lakes (Svityaz), Synevyr. 
 Mineral resources: 80 different types including coal, iron, natural gas, graphite, manganese, non-metallic minerals;
  Flora: steppes (feather grass), forest (plantations of pine, oak, beech and birch);
  Fauna: forest animals: wolves, foxes, wild pigs, deer; steppe zone ani- mals: horses, field mice, gophers;
  Birds: carrion eagle, black griffon, woodpeckers, storks.

2. Do ex.2,3, 4 on page  143-145 (orally)

3. Write ex. 5 page 145


Welcome to Kyiv- the capital of Ukraiue

 I. Finish sentences 

1. The capital oof Ukraine is _____

2. More than three ______ people live here.

3. Kyiv stands on the __________

4. The Dnipro is the biggest Ukrainian _________

5. The symbol of the city is _________

6. Kyiv is _________

7. The founders of Kyiv are _________

8. St Sophia Cathedral is __________
9. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is ________________
10. Khreschatyk is _____________

II. Match the parts of word combinations.

1) Chimeras                        a) Cathedral

2) Andriyivskiy                  b) Gate

3) Olympic                         c) Uzviz

4) Kyiv-Pecherska              d) House

5) Golden                           e) Stadium

6) St.Sophia’s                    f) Lavra

III. Гра «Відгадай». Guessing game.

Read  to the descriptions of these landmarks and write what are these

1) It served as the main entrance to Kyiv up to the 18th century but at that time it was in quite a bad state. In 1832 there was a decision made to preserve it, and in 1970 a museum was created there.

2) This majestic cathedral is under the patronage of UNESCO. This was the place where royal ceremonies took place, chronicles were written, foreign books were translated, and where the first library and the first school of Kyivan Rus’ were organized.

3) This Kyiv monastery was built by Kyiv monks in 1051. At present this striking building is the holiest place in Ukraine.

4) This is one of the most interesting buildings in Kyiv located in a very quiet and peaceful part in the centre of Kyiv. Heads of antelopes, rhinoceros and elephants are carved into the walls of the building while the roof is decorated with dolphins, awful snakes and giant toads.

5) This is a multifunctional sports arena which holds sport, cultural, business and many other events. It is also the 8th largest football stadium in the world.

6) In this street there is beautiful St Andrew’s Church and other monuments, attractions

and some small museums.


Listening Comprehension

Vocabulary :

except -  крім, за виключенням

entire - увесь, цілком

no equal rights - не рівні права

inland -  внутрішня частина країни, вглиб країни

vast plain - величезна рівнина

extends - простягатися, тягнутися

share - ділитися, розділяти

admirable sight - захоплюючі пам'ятки 

  Put True or False.

1. Canada is situated in the south of the North American continent.
2. Alaska is included in the territory of Canada.
3. Canada is the second largest country in the world.
4. It is bordered by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic.
5. The population of Canada is over thirty million people.
6. The capital of the country is Ottawa.
7. There are two official languages in Canada.
8. The original peoples of Canada are Indians.
9. The most part of the country in a vast plain.
10. The Great Lakes don’t belong to Canada.
11. Winters are usually cold and long in Canada.

12. Summer is warm and lasts from four to five months.

Answer the questions

1. What continent is Canada situated?
2. What are the official  languages  in Canada?
3. What is a population of Canada?
4. What country does Canada share the  Great  Lake  with?
5. What winter is in  Canada?
6. What summer is in Canada?



I. Choose  2 topics and make your stories(10-12 sentences)

    1.Give a talk about Your hobbies .( reading, doing sport, drawing, handcrafting, collecting different things, designing , modeling, computer  gaming , etc)
Remember to say:
·        What hobbies you have; how long you have been doing it / them;
·        How and why you started doing this hobby / these hobbies;
·        What achievements you have got in your hobby / hobbies; what future plans in doing it / them you will have.

       2.Give a talk about Your lifestyle.
Remember to say:
·        What your usual day is
·        What you do in your free time, why
·        What you prefer: spending  your weekends in an active or passive way (give examples)

 3.Give a talk about  Listening  of Music .
Remember to say:
·        What listening of music  is for you and for your friends;
·        What  styles of music  you know; which of them you like most of all and why;
·        What your favourite composer, musician, musical group; why; tell some words about him / her/ them

     4. Give a talk about   Your perfect holiday
·        What makes a perfect holiday?
·        What place on earth would you like to go to? Why?
·         What things can go wrong on holiday?

5.Give a talk about the Weather
·        How does weather affect people’s moods?
·        Which are some of the problems caused by bad weather?
·        What climate is there in your country?

II. Put in order

1) - What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
2) - It is very changeable in the Kingdom.
3) - Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
4) - Hello! I’m from Northern Ireland.
5) -  Yes. Northern Ireland is a mountaineering country
6) - Where is it?
7) - What can you say about the weather in Northern Ireland?
8)- There are many rivers in Northern Ireland!
9)- It is the part of the United Kingdom. It is on an island next to Great Britain.
10)- Are there any mountains in Northern Ireland?
11)-   And what as for rivers? Are there many rivers in Nothern Ireland?

III. Make up the questions about   Khortytsia  Island.

1) ____________________________________
- It’s the largest island in the Dnipro River

- It`s 12 km long

- In the middle of the 10th century

- It was used as a military base

- In 1775

- A historical – cultural reserve



Read the text and do the tasks.
The very first
The first electric guitar was made By Adolph Rickenbacker in the USA in 1931. It was called a “Frying Pan” because it was made of aluminium. The “Frying Pan” was played horizontally, on a person’s lap (much like today’s steel guitar). Experts say that it sounded quite modern and aggressive.
Like most new things the electric guitar had its critics who said that the instrument had no future. But the electric guitar quickly won people over because it allowed musicians to play much more creatively and expressively.
A Symbol of Rebellion
In the 1950s, the electric guitar became rock’n’roll’s main instrument. Musicians like Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley introduced a new style and attitude, and young people wanted to look like them. For the first time teenagers started wearing jeans, T-shirts and leather jackets. The electric guitar became a symbol of freedom, independence and rebellion.
Guitar stars
In the 1960s, electric guitarists in British groups like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones became the superstars of rock. Teenagers imitated them. They stood in front of mirrors and used tennis racquets as guitars. With mass production of guitars, people could finally buy them.
New Sounds
Live performances in large halls and open-air concerts demanded volume and spectacular effects, and musicians started experimenting with their guitars.
George Harrison of the Beatles and Roger McGuinn of the Byrds started playing 12-string guitars.
Jimi Hendrix, considered by many to be the greatest ever rock guitarist, experimented with the Fender electric guitar to make strange and original sounds. Hendrix was famous for throwing his guitars, smashing them and setting them on fire. He said, “Sometimes I jump on my guitar, and sometimes I play the guitar with teeth”.
In 1969, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin introduced a way of playing the guitar with a violin bow. He also started playing the double — neck guitar (instead of using two instruments).
In the 1970s and 1980s, musicians continued experimenting. They made louder and faster music, with long guitar solos. Their new musical vocabulary became known as “heavy metal”. At the same time, punk bands in Britain thought it was cool to play the guitar badly. It was part of their rebel image.

True or False.
1. Electric guitars appeared in the first half of the twentieth century.
2. People enjoyed them because of their design.
3. The electric guitar changed the whole music world.
4. The electric guitar became the instrument for calm music lovers.
5. Jimi Hendrix was very careful with his instruments.
6. New sounds were the result of experiments.
7. All the musicians played the guitars only in a proper way.

Answer the questions.
1. Why did it sound unusual?
2. How did the electric guitar influence young people?
3. What style does the electric guitar represent?
4. What did the guitarists do to improve sounding?
5. What did the electric guitar symbolize at that time?



I. Circle the correct words.
1. How much / How many planets are there in our solar system?
2. I can’t find the theatre tickets anywhere / nowhere. What am I going to do?
3. There are a few / a little books on Mike’s desk.
4. He’s a famous actor. Nobody / Everybody knows him.
5. I can’t buy this coat. I haven’t got many / much money with me.
6. I’d like something / everything to drink, please.

II. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. Barney                                                            (not drive) a car since 1998.
2. A: How long                                                           they (have)   this cat?
B: For a few months. They                                                           (get) it in May.
3. Charlie                                                           (not   be) to Italy.
4. We                                                           (visit) New York in 2000.
5. I                                                           (not wash) the car yet. I’ll do it later.

III. Use reflexive pronounse (myself, yourself, herself, himself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves).
1.     I wrote this poem____ .
2.     He cut ____ with a knife while he was doing the dishes.
3.     My mother often talks to ___ .
4.     Alice and Doris collected the stickers ____ .
5.     Bob made this bike _____ .
6.     We had to explain _____ to the teacher.
7.     I cleaned the house______.
8.     Alice saw in the mirror_____ .
IV. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. This scarf                                                      (give) to me by my grandfather five years ago.
2. Every year on Thanksgiving, a big meal                                                     (prepare) by most families in the USA.
3. These paintings                                                     (sell) for over €1,000,000 last week.
4.                                                     you                                                     (show) all the sights when you     went on the tour of the city?
5. The tigers at this zoo                                                     (not look after) well.

1       1.What's___________ longest river in ________ world? Is it______ Amazon or ______ Nile? I'm terrible at ____________ Geography.
2.  Burt likes islands .   He has been  to ___Cuba,____Bali, ______ Bahamas, _____ Philippines.  And ______ next year, he wants to go to __________ Madagascar.
3.__ British Prime Minister lives in _______ Downing Street 10 and goes to work by______car.
4.The capital of ____ Australia is____ Canberra.
5.The capital of ____Australia is ______Canberra.
6.____ Africa is much larger than ______ Europe.
7.____Hoverla is the highest peak.
8.___ River Thames is in ___ United Kingdom.
9.__ Smiths prefer to spend the winter holidays in ____ Himalayas


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